Sunday, April 24, 2011

Life's a Beach

We've been trying to celebrate Logan's birthday since the 12th.  On Monday, he decided he wanted to go to the beach.  None of the kids (with the exception of PJ) nor Bryan have ever been to the beach. I know, sad isn't it?  Saturday morning, we loaded up and left for Panama City Beach, FL. I think getting there was just as fun as being there.  It always amazes me how conversations go in circles...but what happens in the 'Burban, stays in the 'Burban.  Once everyone saw the beach, it was decided that we would stay the night and play at the beach for a few hours Sunday morning.  When we first saw the water, the excited couldn't be contained.

Of course there HAD to be a ship for Logan:o)

The beach was gorgeous.  Carolyn, you were right: I did fall in love.  Who knew that something so LOUD could be so QUIET?!

Bryan got the kids 3 boogie boards to share.

It worked out great.  3 would play in the water while 2 would gather shells for Shelby to build her sand castle...which turned out great for her first.

We even had educational moments:

Can you see the fish?

We had just covered Palm trees
in relation to "The Triumphant Entry"

Dad and Mama even got a decent picture:

We ended up getting a refund on the room and coming home Saturday night.  So, I didn't get my sunrise devotional on the beach, BUT I did get Bro. Wayne Burns at 11. :o)  Happy Resurrection Sunday! 

Monday, April 18, 2011


We are studying the basics of the Constitution this week. My favorite quotes out of the Supplement are:  "...each of us is guaranteed by the Constitution, the right to equal opportunity and equality under the law."  "There are no underprivileged people in America.  There are unfortunate people, unwise people, improvident people, but there are no underprivileged people."  "...natural physical differences should not make us feel that we are underprivileged."  "Some people meet with failure because they attempt something for which they are not physically or mentally qualified, but probably the main reason many people are not successful is that they lace the incentive to struggle for success."  "We will not be successful unless we try to be so, but whether or not we have the urge to try, we know that in this country the opportunity is ours."

It never ceases to amaze me how much even my youngest can comprehend when put to her in a way that she can understand the information.  Shelby said, "Just because I know how to ride a bike doesn't mean I should get on Dad's motorcycle and try to ride it.  I'm not big enough...right now.  But when I get bigger, I can." 

God bless those who are fighting to keep our country free for us to have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  These rights are not guarantees of success, but promises that we can try our best.

If my children take nothing else from this school year, I pray they take these lessons to heart.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Halleluah! He is Risen!

If you ever want to be blessed, moved, humored, and tickled pink all at once, find a church and watch a cast of 11 girls perform the story of Jesus' resurrection.  I've never seen so many beautiful "men" in one play before tonight.  The girls did a wonderful job of expressing what Jesus did for all sinners.  Mrs. Vonnie and Mama did a great job of directing the play. 

The Cast and Directors


 Shelby and Savannah

Sierra and Shiloh

(in the middle with white head covering)

How to Avoid a Mid-life Crisis

We no longer have the over-sized yard ornament taking up the front yard.  Instead, we have a 2007 Harley taking up half of the front porch. LOL I absolutely love, Love, LOVE riding. I don't like the helmet (there is just something about being on the back of a bike with the wind blowing through your hair) but I wear it anyway.
PJ is going to make a killing baby-sitting!