Well, a lot (and I mean a LOT) has happened since my last post. Bryan moved to Montana for work; Mike and Lori closed in their garage and made a bedroom out of it so the kids and I could move in with them; I made a trip from Alabama to Minnesota with 5 kids (PJ opted to stay with Chuck), a rental trailer, and a dog the end of August! We've been busy.
Bryan is working for a company in Sidney, Montana, and doing great. He's the shop foreman, mechanic (until they hire someone to help), and the Safety Supervisor. He's enjoying his work, but missing his family...
The kids and I are staying in Hackensack, Minnesota, with Bryan's brother and his family. Seven kids and three adults under one roof! You would think it would be "rough and tough". However, we are getting along grandly.
The kids are doing great. They are enjoying having time with cousins. We've gone to movies, camping, four-wheeling, shopping, (and going to see and ride horses this afternoon!)
School is going great. Shelby got her new math book last week and is having a great time with it. The Charlotte Mason approach to teaching is amazing!!!! Who new that math could be a living subject?!
We've seen bald eagles, deer, raccoons (while camping), and other assorted wildlife. All seven of the kids took a class at the local school and made T-shirts while learning about the local wildlife. I think they had a good time.
Mike will be taking the boys out to Montana next weekend for a hunting trip and Bryan is going to meet up with them Friday night after work. A boy's hunting weekend trip! How fun! The girls' are all going to Grandma Cathy's for a girls weekend...nail painting, baking, s'mores, girlie movies, etc.! My camera will be busy.
I've missed you. I was unhappy when I was in alabama that I couldn't just drop down to see you. LOL