Today was V4 C1 D2...we covered the giants of the microscopic world...atoms! Atoms + molecules + compounds = a massive headache for this Mama! How did we go from a simple review to chemistry in 2.1 seconds?! Oh, well, at least they learned something. Now they are wanting to make models of atoms and molecules with colored marshmallows. (It's a good thing I thought to purchase some just for this purpose.) We will review what we learned today by doing just that. BTW, YouTube has some "great" lectures on the subjects studied today. YouTube...It's not just for entertainment anymore.
Our random "learnings" from today:
* A lb. of hamburger weighs more than a lb. of gold.
* Rabbits can see you move through the window. (LOL)
* It takes a loooooong time to write out a google.
* The kids next door will be homeschooling next year! (That's going to be interesting.)
* Sierra is more interested in Logan's science than her own. (What am I supposed to teach her in 9th grade
if she's learning it in 4th grade?! I suppose that is a good problem to have.)
* 8:30 gets here much faster now that it's spring.