Take them to church! I guar-on-T, they will let everyone know everything about you and what you do. Sierra told the pastor that she was "an atom that was one electron short of a happy shell". LOL Guess what we've been studying? Yup, atoms. Actually we are studying giants of the physical and spiritual world. Atoms happen to have been the science subject the past couple of days. Atoms are the giants of the miniature world. Yup, she has learned the lesson. So if you ever want to know if your students are learning, take them in public and let them talk. They will let you know what they have learned.
Shiloh (left) Sierra (right) The put sticky backed felt on for going "incognito" | . |
Sorry about the sideways picture. Sierra showing off her atom model. Actually, she is 2 electrons shy of a happy shell. |
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